Small header image with a dark blue background showing four matching puzzle pieces, one of which is coloured red.

Written application

Written application skills

Job seekers whose application dossier and/or CV is not complete and/or does not meet the sector-specific requirements of the labour market.


  • Level A: Participants understand the main points of a job advertisement, can express themselves simply and coherently in writing and orally and have PC skills.
  • Level B: Participants have completed an apprenticeship with an EFZ or at tertiary level and have very good written language skills.

Course objectives
The participants

  • apply with a CV tailored to the desired position and a suitable photo
  • have a qualification profile if required and integrate this into the CV where appropriate
  • know their resources when looking for a job and can name them
  • know the best individual job search strategies and apply them
  • write and design attractive letters of motivation for the respective positions
  • know how to follow up by phone after an active application

Course duration
Level A: 4 days of 4 hours each (either in the morning or in the afternoon)
Level B: 4 days from 9 am - 4 pm

Contact us
Viviane Detorrenté
+41 61 339 90 09

Newsletter registration

Contiva supports people in finding their career path. The counselling and courses on offer range from assessing the current situation, targeted job searches and individual applications to supportive coaching in the workplace. Together, we develop realisable prospects that take account of individual strengths and wishes.